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Publications and Presentations

2024. Toxic: Critiquing an infectious error, with Marcus Maloney. In: Digital Media Metaphors, Farkas, J. and Maloney M., eds. Routlege, in press.

- The kids are alright? Generational distinction vs. we-sense in an ageing music fandom. Journal of Fandom Studies, in press.

- 'When it comes to the true crime community, Taylor is a legend’: Social and symbolic capital among murderabilia fans. International Journal of Cultural Studies 27(2), 251-267.

2023. Killer Fandom: Fan Studies and the Celebrity

Serial Killer.  PA:

  •  “Dark” Fandom as Play: Fan Studies and the Celebrity Serial Killer. Northeast Popular Culture Association Conference. Oct 12-14. Online.

  • The Open Book Collective: An Infrastructure for Equity and Diversity. The Geneva Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OA13). February 4-8.

  • The Open Book Collective: Supporting and Sustaining Bibliodiversity in Open Access Publishing. National Acquisitions Group Seminar. May 25.

  • Governing Small OA Publishers. Scaling Small: Community-Owned Futures for Open Access Books. April 20-21.

  • Governing Scholar-Led OA Book Publishers: Values, Practices, Barriers. Community-Led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM).

  • Scaling Small: The Open Book Collective Launch and Platform | Practice. OTESSA 2023. May 27-June 2.

  • The Open Book Collective: Sustaining and Disseminating Open Access Books. BOBCATSSS 2023, Oslo. Zenodo.

  • Snyder, L & Fathallah, J. Sustainable Futures for OA Books: The Open Book Collective. The Journal of Electronic Publishing 26(1) doi: 10.3998/jep.3372

  • Supporting Bibliodiversity in Open Access Book Publishing: The Open Book Collective. FORCE11, April 18-20.

  • 2022. Community-Led Infrastructures for Open Access Books: A Sustainable Model and Platform. Proceedings of The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Conference 2 (1). 

  •  Open access monographs: Myths, truths and implications in the wake of UKRI open access policy. LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries 32(1).

  • Authenticity after cock rock: Emo and the problem of femininity. In Cultures of Authenticity. Skey, M., and Thurnell-Read, T., eds. Emerald. 

  • Sex, race and Romanticism: The meta-vampire in emo fandom. Journal of Fan Studies 9 (3). 

  •  Reading Serial Killer Fanfiction: What’s Fannish about It? Humanities 11(3), 65;

  • ‘BEING A FANGIRL OF A SERIAL KILLER IS NOT OK’: Gatekeeping Reddit’s True Crime Community. New Media & Society. OnlineFirst.

2021. Getting’ by on 4chan: feminine self presentation and capital-claiming in antifeminist webspace. First Monday 26 (6),

  • Is stage-gay queerbaiting? The politics of performative homoeroticism in emo bands. Journal of Popular Music Studies 33 (1): 121–136.

  • New infrastructures for open access monographs: the COPIM project platform. IASC Knowledge Commons Virtual Conference 2021, June 9-11.

  • New systems for Open Access books: an innovative platform from COPIM. Open Education Global 2021 Online Conference (OEGlobal2021), September 27-Oct 1. Zenodo.

  • The COPIM project platform: New infrastructures for Open Access books (1.0). OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing 2021 (OASPA2021), online. Zenodo. 

  • New infrastructures for Open Access books: a platform and invitation. Open Publishing Fest 2021 (OpenPubFest21), November 8-11. Zenodo.

2020. Emo: How Fans Defined a Genre. Iowa University Press.

  • Fathallah, J., and Pyakurel, P. Addressing gender in energy studies. Energy Research & Social Science, 65,

  • Authenticity after Cock Rock: Emo and the Problem of Femininity. Cultures of Authenticity Webinar Series: Gender and Identity 2020, November 19, Loughborough University. 

  • Is the meme flat parody? Or, the problem of meaning in corona memes. Affect and Social Media 4.5, 16-17 July, online.

  • 'Be Me, 24yo Femanon': Greentext Stories as Feminine Space on 4chan. Evolution of Story Symposium 2020, February 19, Solent University, Southampton, UK.

2019. Beyond the Legitimation Paradox: Fanwork, UGC and the Problem of Authorship. Fan Studies Network Conference 2019, June 28-29, Portsmouth University, Portsmouth, UK.

  • Changing Relations Between Fan Cultures and Industry: The Legitimation Paradox. International Conference on Cross-culture Approach in Humanities, Management and Social Sciences 2019, May 18-19. London, UK.

2018. Polyphony on Tumblr: Reading the hateblog as pastiche. Transformative Works and Cultures 27.

  • Digital fanfic in negotiation: LiveJournal, Archive of Our Own, and the affordances of read–write platforms.  Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.

  • Reading RPF as digital fiction: an argument for new perspectives.  Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 24 (6), 568-86.

2017.  Invisible girls: emo, gender, and the problem of femininity. In: Under my Thumb: The Songs that Hate Women and the Women that Love Them. Jones, R., and Davis, E. eds. Repeater Books.

  • Masculinities constructed and deconstructed: Game of Thrones. London Film and Media Reader (4), 389-98.

  • Reading RPF as digital fiction: an argument for new perspectives. EuroMedia 2017, Jul 10-12, Brighton, UK. 

  • Fanfiction and the Author: How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (distributed in U.S. by University of Chicago Press).

2016. Transparency and reciprocity: Respecting fannish spaces in scholarly research. Journal of Fandom Studies 4 (3), 251-54.

- Statements and silence: fanfic paratexts for ASOIAF/Game of Thrones. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 30 (1), 75-88.

-  ‘Except that Joss Whedon is God’: fannish attitudes to statements of author/ity’. International Journal of Cultural Studies 19 (4), 459-476.

2015. Won't somebody please think of the children? Or, South Park fanfic and the political realm. Journal of Youth Studies 18 (10), 1309–1325.

  •   Moriarty’s ghost: or, the queer spectre in the BBC’s Sherlock. Television & New Media 16, (5), 490-500.

2014. Deconstructing Masculinity in Game of Thrones. Film and Media 2014. University College London, June 26-28.

2011. H/c and me: an autoethnographic account of a troubled love affair. Transformative Works and Cultures 7. doi:10.3983/twc.2011.0252.

2010. Becky is my hero: the power of laughter and disruption in Supernatural. Transformative Works and Cultures 5. doi:10.3983/twc.2010.0220.

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